Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oceanic World Airlines

Ok, anyone who knows me (and some who don't) knows I am totally into this alternate reality game, also known as an ARG, called OWA. Oceanic World Air. This game, or should I say this little slice of nirvana, has changed my life completely. I know it sounds ridiculous but hear me out.
About 4 years ago a little t.v. show called LOST aired for the first time. It appeared to be about a plane crash on a seemingly deserted island and the struggles of the survivors awaiting rescue. I thought to myself, how long can this show last? I mean it was an awesome pilot and all, but come on, how long can we watch people eat coconuts?

Well,, I am a huge research hound and I decided to see what I could find out about this intriguing new show I had stumbled upon. So I did as every good citizen does.... I googled! The first site I went to, I think, was OWA. I thought it was a real airline site and was momentarily perplexed... was LOST a real show? Was the airline real? What the heck was going on? I started clicking around the page and things started to come together. Not at first... but a board was being formed with other people like me, wondering what the heck was up? On that day... an OWA ARGer was born!
Throughout my fantastic voyage, I have studied psychology, biology, physics, metallurgy, mythology, space and time, the making and breaking of codes, government plots and secrets and the list goes on and on... It has been a refuge for me from a world that I find increasingly intolerable. This place, OWA, has given me direction. It's given me a thirst for knowledge. And it's also introduced me to some pretty amazing people I would have never met otherwise. I have a friend who lives in China, one in England, a few in Canada and all over the U.S.

Yes, our fearless leader, Vincent Madison, has taken us on some pretty amazing journeys over the last 4 years or so. We're on one now if you'd like to try us out. Check out the main site and click around a bit and see if you might be up for the time of your life.....

Hope to see you on board!


Vincent Madison said...

Wow - What can I say but thanks!

I started OWA in November 2005 for fun and because of a show called LOST that I loved. Now, 3 years later and countless adventures, I too can say I have made good friends all over the world and learned probably as much as the passengers who chose to fly OWA.

Thanks to you IW for not only being a loyal fan, but for letting me and others be a part of your life. My reward is when others are served and happy, and that is really what it is all about.

Stay tuned for lots of new adventures....

Your friend,
Vincent :)

Island Wahine said...

WOW! VM, thanks for stopping by. And I am a very loyal fan, I can't wait to see what you have in store for us!

P.S. Cleo really inspired me to start the blog, so thanks for that, too! She is delightful!

Unknown said...

from the friend who lives in china: ni hao wo peng you!