Monday, November 24, 2008

A Shout Out to JuJu =)

The sweet smell of sour diesel permeated the blueberry patch as the old 18-wheeler, Grand-Daddy affectionatly called Alaskan Thunder F*ck, rolled through White Widow Hollow.

"X" Marks the Spot

Today, my new conspiracy theorist friend, Cleo, would have a field day here in Bullhead City Arizona!! There are so many trails in the sky that I quit counting at thirty. And here is the weird part, as I was driving up the hill to my final radiation/cancer treatment, I saw a huge "X" in the sky where two of the trails intersected! It was just so weird... it was directly in front of me and above me and all I could think is... oh my God, this is really......WEIRD.

Ever since I joined OWA and Vincent Madison introduced me to all the actual possibilities surrounding us, I've experienced so many...I guess... unbelievable events. Everything is questionable. Nothing is really random anymore, because even if you don't understand something in the beginning, months, maybe years down the road, it all becomes crystal clear.

I guess what I am learning is to question everything and be very, very patient. Always know that even if you don't get what's going on now... there is no way to stop the coming of the truth. You can be as aware as you choose to be.

Well, I'm off to count trails and "X"s in the sky =)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Believe

I believe in miracles... because I am one.
I believe in humanity... because we are one.
I believe in my creator... because my creator believes in me.
I believe in magic... because without it there would be no miracles.
I believe that believing is very different than knowing.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Daily Rant

So, I made the awful mistake of stopping on a news channel last night. They were talking about how the public schools somewhere, could save 6 million dollars a year if they stopped bussing kids to school..... They are seriously considering stopping the buses... I thought to myself, WWWWWHAT? How will they get to school? Some families don't have cars or just one car and both parents work. I mean the questions are endless.

And then that was followed up by the big talk about the U.S. government bailing out the car companies who greedily painted themselves into a corner.

Where am I going with this? I guess I want to know....where are our priorities? When did education become less important than cars?

Oceanic World Airlines

Ok, anyone who knows me (and some who don't) knows I am totally into this alternate reality game, also known as an ARG, called OWA. Oceanic World Air. This game, or should I say this little slice of nirvana, has changed my life completely. I know it sounds ridiculous but hear me out.
About 4 years ago a little t.v. show called LOST aired for the first time. It appeared to be about a plane crash on a seemingly deserted island and the struggles of the survivors awaiting rescue. I thought to myself, how long can this show last? I mean it was an awesome pilot and all, but come on, how long can we watch people eat coconuts?

Well,, I am a huge research hound and I decided to see what I could find out about this intriguing new show I had stumbled upon. So I did as every good citizen does.... I googled! The first site I went to, I think, was OWA. I thought it was a real airline site and was momentarily perplexed... was LOST a real show? Was the airline real? What the heck was going on? I started clicking around the page and things started to come together. Not at first... but a board was being formed with other people like me, wondering what the heck was up? On that day... an OWA ARGer was born!
Throughout my fantastic voyage, I have studied psychology, biology, physics, metallurgy, mythology, space and time, the making and breaking of codes, government plots and secrets and the list goes on and on... It has been a refuge for me from a world that I find increasingly intolerable. This place, OWA, has given me direction. It's given me a thirst for knowledge. And it's also introduced me to some pretty amazing people I would have never met otherwise. I have a friend who lives in China, one in England, a few in Canada and all over the U.S.

Yes, our fearless leader, Vincent Madison, has taken us on some pretty amazing journeys over the last 4 years or so. We're on one now if you'd like to try us out. Check out the main site and click around a bit and see if you might be up for the time of your life.....

Hope to see you on board!


I decided to start this blog because I am a great admirer of communication and a writer at heart. I find myself with so much to say.... and a lot of it is worthwhile. In this day and age... that is rare. As much of a cliche as it is... I am a true student of life. I have endured more than most people I know and I still find ways to be happy and stay fascinated with life and the unknown.

I am also creating this blog out of a personal need to just leave my footprints... I am a cancer survivor... and one of the precious few with the kind of cancer I had! In February of this year I was diagnosed with in-operable, terminal, extensive lung cancer. I had a 9 cm mass in my right lung that had attached itself to my trachea. It looked like a jellyfish with tentacles wrapping around everything it could get to. The prognosis was fatal. The doctors only shook their heads and offered treatment to possibly extend my life a few months but the fact was, I would probably only have about 4 months to live.

Today is November 19th, 2008... and here I am, what is it? 9 MONTHS LATER? And CANCER FREE! I'm bald, I'm sick a lot... but I know it is all temporary... I know... from personal experience in all aspects of my life, that no matter how bad things are at any given moment, there is an amazing, exhilarating, life changing event, waiting right around the corner!

So, here I am. No special treatments, no experimental stuff... just a firm belief in me... and my creator! Our creator had a plan for us alright, and that plan was for us to participate in our own destiny. I believe nothing is written in stone or space... it is being created with every thought and every action. Believe in yourself and your dreams and everything is possible.